Use "may he live long and happily|may he live long and happily" in a sentence

1. You two are the prince and princess in a fairy tale and may you live happily everafter!

2. Alcestis and Admetus then live happily ever after

3. May you both live long and healthy lives.

4. I want her to live happily here.

5. May you both live a long and healthy life.

6. Long live Long live Long live

7. Long live to Queen Long live, long live, long live

8. Learn how to live healthily, happily and effectively at BuffedD

9. Colombine rejects Harlequin, and she and Pierrot live happily ever after.

10. Having survived starvation , we're beginning to live happily.

11. Fuck like minks, forget the rug rats... and live happily ever after.

12. PAMELA ANN DUNCAN Nickname-Pam Ambilian-To live happily and successfully with Him

13. In other situations, you can be Clingy together and live happily ever after

14. He happily conceded the election.

15. Live long and prosper!

16. ‘Your baby daughter is afflicted with Down’s syndrome and may not live very long’

17. How long did Shem live, and what kind of man was he?

18. Live long and prosper.

19. Catherine Earnshaw, may you not rest so long as I live on.

20. And the two live happily ever after in a condo named after Ron - El Desperado.

21. As long as he could avoid this seasonal parasite, he would live forever.

22. 9 He wouldn't drone when he may live by honest labour.

23. Alimony often enables a woman who lived unhappily married to live happily unmarried.

24. In the end I can say that Ahimsa is not harming yourself or others either, just happily live and let others live.

25. He Chattered happily about nothing in particular.

26. 19 As long as he could avoid this seasonal parasite, he would live forever.

27. Long Live Korea!

28. He was severely affected with Down syndrome* and was not expected to live long.

29. Long live Albania! "

30. Long live Spain!

31. They eventually, by pure chance, meet up again and live happily ever after together, side by side.

32. Happily, Anthuriums bloom almost all year long if they get enough light, fertilizer, and moisture.

33. You must complete your quest so the people of Argate can live happily once more

34. The boy whistled happily when he walked along.

35. Androclus was pardoned and he and his lion lived happily ever after

36. Long live the revolution!

37. Long live the kings.

38. 13 Olive trees especially may embody the Goddess, for they live a very long time.

39. Long live Your Highness.

40. Long live Chairman Mao!

41. Long live the users.

42. Long live the Führer."

43. Long live Ferdinand VII!

44. Long live the King.

45. Long live the Κing!

46. Long live the Thule.

47. Long live the King!

48. Barzillai may have felt that he would not live much longer.

49. Happily, he has both the will and the power to do so.

50. This may sound sacrilegious , but he is still very good on the wing, and if his choice was not playing, or playing wide, he would play there happily.

51. But he was lucky not to live long enough to see his son fall

52. Long live the female gendarmes.

53. But he was lucky not to live long enough to see his son fall.

54. Long live the Iron Skull!

55. Of course, you might live perfectly happily together but you might also hanker for your lost independence.

56. Happily, he realized the seriousness of the problem and took measures to correct it.

57. Long-nosed Bandicoots live in forests and woodlands, and heath

58. 6 He speedily diagnosed a mutual attraction and the pair are now happily together.

59. You shall live a long life.

60. He happily accepted and spent several days working there in the spring of 1975.

61. Since we live in an age of distractions, at times we may experience difficulty concentrating for long periods.

62. Chatter on He Chattered on happily for about half an hour

63. And he put a lie to the notion that you have to be positive to live a long life.

64. However, Eudokia did not live very happily with her new husband, who was warlike and self-willed and increasingly excluded her from power.

65. No man is so old, but thinks he may yet live another year. 

66. On Planet Drool, Max's parents appear as a pair of "Cookie Giants," who live happily in the Land of Milk and Cookies.

67. Happily, yes.

68. He was a happily married man with ten children and had a good spiritual routine.

69. He was a short, energetic man, modest in his tastes and happily married, though childless.

70. 'Did you live there?'--'Not for long.'.

71. Long live the King! Airedales have broad versatility, intelligence, and …

72. The people shouted: ‘Long live the king!’

73. You all live long, dull, uninteresting lives.

74. I'll never live long enough to atone.

75. Communism - Long live the liberator of mankind!

76. Abalones live as long as 30 years

77. We did it willingly and happily.”

78. How long to live as a settler.

79. Well, OK.I live on this reef a long, long way from here

80. Viva la Vida is Spanish for "Long Live Life" or simply "Live Life".